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Guinn’s Peak
Kananaskis, Alberta
August 13, 2023
Distance: 20.1 km (12.5 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 1254 m (4114 ft)

After visiting Galatea Lakes two years ago and seeing the trail to Guinn's Pass, Dinah and I wanted to return to climb Guinn's Peak which is a short hike from the pass.

From the Galatea Creek parking lot, we followed the busy trail as it meanders alongside the cascading creek. After crossing several bridges, the trail settles into an uninspiring plod through the forest to Lillian Lake. After the lake, the path becomes more interesting as it climbs steeply out of the trees onto subalpine landscape. Behind us, we could view Lillian Lake. Ahead, the trail winds up a scree slope.

At a junction 250 m before the trail reaches Lower Galatea Lake, Guinn's Pass trail splits off on the right. It rises along a slope, alternating between meadows and copses. We welcomed the latter, for it brought relief from the sun beating down on us.

Unfortunately, Dinah was having increasing difficulties with her arthritic knees, more so than usual. Hiking, especially going up or down steep sections, was extremely painful. As much as she wanted to ascend the remaining 300 m to the summit of Guinn's Peak, she reluctantly stopped. Before turning around, she urged me to go on. She made her way to Lower Galatea Lake where she took a break before continuing down the trail.

I pushed on and after rounding a bend, Guinn's Pass and Guinn's Peak appeared. At the same time, the trees disappeared leaving only alpine meadows and scree ahead. It was an easy trail, and I soon reached the scenic pass. But I didn't tarry and continued to the summit.

We encountered people everywhere along the trail, so I wasn’t surprised to find a few guys on the summit. I chatted with them before I started back down. Descending quickly, I caught up with Dinah a couple of kilometres after Lillian Lake. She was limping because of her discomfort. She was disappointed that she didn't make the summit but vowed to return after she undergoes knee-replacement surgery. She's on a waitlist.

KML and GPX Tracks

The hike begins with the suspension bridge over Kananaskis River

Near the start, we crossed several bridges and passed cascades

The trail passes a few clearings

Lillian Lake

Following the trail to Galatea Lakes

Looking back at Lillian Lake

Galatea Lakes lie just beyond the trees in the centre

Starting up the trail to Guinn's Pass

Looking back at Lower Galatea Lake

Looking back along the trail

The trail goes around a crag

Guinn's Pass and Guinn's Peak came into view

Looking back at two backpackers who hiked over the pass. Fortress Mountain appears in the centre.

Looking northeast from the pass. Mount Buller in the centre. Red Peak appears right.

A trail starts up Guinn's Peak

The dark summit appears ahead

Looking down at Lillian Lake and the pass. Mount Galatea appears above the lake with The Tower on the right. Mount Lillian far right.

A rickety bench for the weary before the top

View of Mount Kid South from the summit

Mount Bogart overlooks Ribbon Lake

82 J/14 Spray Lakes

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