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The view west. Tornado Mountain in the centre.

Sugarloaf Lookout
Oldman River Area, Alberta
October 13, 2007

Distance: 8.0 km (5.0 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 700 m (2297 ft)

We had planned to climb Livingstone Lookout (Thrift Peak), but after assessing the long approach and the Oldman River fording, we changed our plans to Sugarloaf Lookout. This lookout is higher than Livingstone Lookout and would provide a close look at some snow-covered peaks to the west including Tornado Mountain.

We lost a great deal of time searching for the trail. We drove up a few back roads before finding the one leading to Sugarloaf Lookout. The trailhead starts at the main road, but Sonny was able to drive his SUV up the rough road a couple of kilometres, making up for our late start. It also lobbed off 300 m elevation gain than if we had walked the length of the road.

We only hiked a short distance in the trees before they fell away to provide a view of the mostly bare southeast slopes of the mountain. Clearly we could ascend almost anywhere, so we decided to leave the road and head up a ridge leading to the lookout.

It was a sunny day, and the slope was free of snow until we gained the crest and headed to the lookout. After spending half an hour gazing at the nearby peaks at the top, we mostly followed the road back to the car.

KML and GPX Tracks
Sonny's Trip Report

Hiking up the road

We left the road and headed for the high point

Cabin Ridge in the background

The first of a couple of minor rock bands

Dinah hikes up the slope to the rock band

Plenty of open space below

Scrambling up

<empty>Sonny stops on an outcrop to take a photo

Thrift Peak (Livingstone Lookout) and Thunder Mountain in the background

Sonny reached a hump on the ridge just before the lookout

Final walk to the lookout

Some facilities at the lookout

After the steep climb to the lookout we unwind

Sonny searches for a forest fire

Sign at the lookout

Stone design next to the lookout

Panorama looking north

Dinah looks to the NE. Coffin Mountain on the left.

Starting down the road

We took a shortcut to reach the road below

Larch needles and snow covered the road

82 G/15 Tornado Mountain

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