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Sunrise Hill (East Approach)
Kananaskis, Alberta
November 19, 2022

Distance: 4.8 km (3.0 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 426 m (1398 ft)

On Zora's suggestion, Dinah and I joined her and Christine to ascend Sunrise Hill. While the ridge can be reached using Powderface Ridge Trail, we took the shorter Rainy Summit Ridge trail. After a recent snowfall, we anticipated postholing up like Dinah and I did 10 years ago nearly the same day. But the trail appears more popular now. We easily followed a trodden path in the snow through the forest and up Rainy Summit Ridge to the open summit.

Having posted previous trips up Sunrise Hill, I'm not going to get into details, but notably it was the first time the four of us got together since climbing Crowfoot Mountain in July. We had some catching up to do, all of it in pleasant conditions that allowed fine views of snow-covered mountains.

The trailhead

The trail was nicely trampled down

Following the trail in the trees

Starting up the long rocky ridge

Jumpingpound Ridge North Summit seen from a viewpoint

Zora stops to put on Microspikes

The summit came into view

Stopping at a viewpoint. Quirk Ridge centre right.

The trail drops down before starting up the final ascent

Hiking up the slope through thin trees

Climbing above the treeline. Prairie Mountain on the left

Christine, Dinah, Zora and me on the summit

82 J/15 Bragg Creek

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