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Powderface Ridge (East Approach)
Kananaskis, Alberta
November 11, 2016
Distance: 15.2 km (9.4 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 814 m (2671 ft)
Since Dinah and I had previously used the South Approach for Powderface Ridge, we wanted to try the East Approach. To make it more interesting, we would take the east ridge after hiking partway up Powderface Creek trail. The east ridge offers the added adventure of offtrail hiking and a chance to escape the hordes on this popular hike. We would, however, take the usual route back to make this a loop trip.
We met Zora and her friends, Goulfia and Khalil Ismaguilov, at the Powderface Creek trailhead. Only after starting, did I learn that this was Khalil’s second hike. But he took in stride everything this trip had to offer, including an icy trail, extensive deadfall, and a steep ascent.
The broad trail began dry, but we soon hit lengthy ice patches. Exception for Goulfia who brought icers, we were caught off-guard and trod carefully up the slick sections.
We left the ice behind when we turned onto the side trail that runs over the end of the east ridge. When the trail crested, we began hiking offtrail, dodging deadfall on the lower part of the ridge. Higher up, animal trails eased our passage through trees until the trails disappeared on the final, steep stretch. After bushwhacking up, we popped onto the ridge 500 m north of the summit. By then, most of us had shed our jackets. Mild and windless, it felt more like the end of summer than the middle of fall. We strolled along the grassy crest to the highest point on Powderface Ridge, where we lollygagged under the sun before heading back.
After starting down the ridge, we soon caught Powderface Creek Trail and followed it through trees back to the parking lot. The return on the broad trail was utterly boring, and we were glad to get it over. If we hadn’t ascended the engaging east ridge, this trip would have been forgettable.
Hiking down Powderface Creek trail
Much of the first section was slick with ice
The east ridge came into view
Starting up the side trail that leads to the east ridge
On the soft, mossy side trail
After leaving the trail we started up the east ridge
Much of the lower ridge is strewn with deadfall
There were no views until we reached this point
Left of the cliffs is a steep, treed slope we'll ascend
Hiking up the steep slope
Looking back along the east ridge. In the background is Iyarhe Ipan
After taking a break on an open high point, we continued up the east ridge
Powderface Ridge ahead
Prairie Mountain in the background
We gained the ridge at this notch in the cliffs
Dinah peers over a cliff
Heading to the summit
The two points on the right appeared equally high
Looking back at the east ridge we ascended
Khali, Goulfia, Zora, Dinah and I bask under a November sun
Heading to the trail
We faced a monotonous hike back along Powderface Creek trail
82 J/15 Bragg Creek