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Lusk Pass
Kananaskis, Alberta
May 14, 2023
Distance: 8.2 km (5.1 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 200 m (656 ft)

Lusk Pass Trail offers a pleasant loop through a mix of forest and cutblocks. The trail isn't challenging and doesn't appear to reach any sort of pass, but the clearings offer fine views.

Christine, Dinah and I parked at Lusk Creek day-use area, crossed Highway 68 and started up the trail. The trail soon hits a gravel road, the trail to Baldy Pass. After a short walk up the road, we passed the path that we would later return on. We were hiking the loop counterclockwise, so we turned onto the next trail a short distance up the road.

The trail gently climbs through clearings with sights of familiar mountains: Yates Mountain northwest, Baldy Mountain west and Hunchback Hills east. A diversity of birds broke the stillness with their songs. The route hits another stretch of road before turning east onto a single track. After passing through the woods, we reached the edge of a clearing where I took a panorama. The trail continues east before turning north to complete the loop. It's a low-key hike, but it offers a change in scenery from the usual spring hikes.

KML and GPX Tracks

From the parking lot, we crossed the road and started up the trail

After walking up the road, we turned onto Lusk Pass Trail

The trail includes a couple of signs along the way

A little side trail leads to a bench and another sign

Continuing up the trail. Yates Mountain in the centre.

Horton Hill on the left

South Peak of Baldy and Baldy Mountain

Back on the road

Where the loop leaves the road and turns left, we took a break

400 m after the turn, we reached a small bump where we had the best views (see panorama at top)

Continuing down the trail. Hunchback Hills ahead.

I stepped off the trail and into the forest to view Lusk Creek, but trees obscured it

We continued down the trail back to our car

82 O/3 Canmore

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