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Sunrise Hill (South Approach)
Kananaskis, Alberta
June 27, 2021

Distance: 6.8 km (4.2 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 570 m (1870 ft)

Sunrise Hill is a quick trip when time is short, quick enough that Dinah and I finished before noon, before the temperature reached the mid-30s projected that day. We used the south route that takes advantage of Powderface Ridge trail and also accesses the south outlier. The East Approach up Rainy Summit Ridge is even shorter.

We parked at the trailhead and started up the broad path. It climbs through the forest and briefly passes meadows before reaching the first col. Now in trees, the path drops a bit and then winds up the open slope below Rainy Summit to the second col. The trail forks here: left for Powderface and right for Sunrise.

We had passed people traipsing up and down Powderface trail, so it was no surprise that a few hikers ventured to the top of Sunrise. We didn't linger but soon headed back down.

When we reached the first col, Dinah continued down the trail while I stepped into the trees on my left. A couple of minutes later, I was looking up at the grassy expanse of the south outlier. The short trip to the top was long on views. I recognized peaks to the west and gazed down at Forgetmenot Pond.

There was no need to return to the first col. I followed the open slope until I could see Powderface trail below me. I was soon back on the path. While I raced down to catch up to Dinah, I passed two park rangers coming up. They didn't stop me, but they had, I learned later, talked to Dinah, seeing if she had any questions about the trail or the wildlife. And they commended her for carrying bear spray.

GPX and KML Tracks

A deer heads to Powderface trail

Hiking up the trail

Heading to the first col

After hiking through the trees, the summit appears ahead

The trail climbs to the col before splitting: left for Powderface and right for Sunrise

On the way to the top

Dinah stops by the summit cairn

Heading to the outlier on the left

The view after coming out of the trees. The summit is not in sight.

When Dinah passed a clearing by the trail, she saw me and got my attention, so I climbed a boulder (mouse over to zoom in)

Looking back at Sunrise Hill from the boulder

The view from the top of the outlier

Forgetmenot Pond appears below while above it is Glasgow Hill

Mount Glasgow is left, Nihahi Ridge right. Below in the middle is Ford Knoll.

I headed back along the ridge to where I could see Powderface trail below

82 J/15 Bragg Creek

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