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Mouse’s Tank and Elephant Rock
Valley of Fire, Nevada
April 24, 2009

With a few hours to spare before we caught our flight back to Calgary, we visited the Valley of Fire for the first time. We stopped to see Mouse's Tank and Elephant Rock. There are few peaks here to climb, but I found a high point where took the above panorama. The sandstone landscape is fascinating. We only had time for a few short hikes, but the Valley of Fire deserves to be allotted much more time.

Hiking down a canyon


Heading to Mouse's Tank

Mouse's Tank: rain water collects in a small rock basin

Prehistoric petroglyph of a big horn sheep (mouse over to back up)

More petroglyphs

Clockwise from top left: chuckwalla, side-blotched, desert iguana and zebra-tailed lizards

Elephant rock

Interesting rocks everywhere

Cabins built in 1935 (mouse over for a close-up)

Exploring the cliffs above the cabins

On a high point (mouse over)

Looking down at Dinah (centre) from my perch

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