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Nob Hill
Helena, Montana
April 28, 2024

Distance: 1.4 km (.9 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 56 m (184 ft)

Nob Hill is a small, lighted forested bump just off of I-15. It was a convenient stop for Dinah and I as we needed a short break to stretch our legs from our ten-hour drive from Calgary to Idaho Falls. From the parking lot, we followed the trail that loops around the hill. The path passes near the top, so we left the trail briefly to reach the summit. Trees didn't allow much in views, so I couldn't take a panorama. We finished the loop and returned to our car. It was a short walk, but we were glad to get out for a half hour before continuing our long drive.

KML and GPX Tracks

Not the prettiest trailhead I've seen

The summit came into view after a few minutes of walking

Rocks spelled "TOTAL" although the significance escapes me

The best part of the trip was seeing bluebirds

Scratchgravel Peak lies north

Continuing down the trail

Phlox wildflowers were scattered on the hillside

Mount Ascension lies east

We mistakenly started up the wrong the trail back but soon came down

We noticed a swing by the trail before turning around

Continuing on the loop trail

Returning to the beginning of the loop

East Helena (.9 mi, 4364 ft, 85 ft)

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