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East Indio Hills
East Indio Hills Badlands, California
February 5, 2025
Distance: 8.3 km (5.2 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 237 m (728 ft)
East Indio Hills is a delightful short loop hike east of Palm Springs. On the ascent, the trail winds through a narrow canyon with engaging rock formations around every corner, and the isolated summit offers far-ranging views. Dinah and I encountered a few people, and the trail appears popular with locals.
The hike begins in a small parking lot and soon passes a golf course (we had to step aside to allow golf carts to pass). We didn't get a good look at East Indio Hills until we went over a low ridge near the start. After descending the ridge, we continued along a broad, sandy trail for a kilometre across the desert flats to the Hills, where the trail began climbing. The fun started when we dropped into a narrow canyon.
We followed the canyon trail as it twisted around corners, sometimes going up, sometimes down, but always engaging and full of surprises. Despite the complexity of the canyon, the trail was easy to follow. The section ends at the bottom of stone steps called The Stairway to Heaven. At the top, the trail drops into a broad canyon with a sandy floor. After going around a few bends, we reached the bottom of a slope. A trail switchbacks to the summit ridge, and soon we were standing on the highest point in the East Indio Hills.
The trail continues down the other side of the ridge before going into a canyon. Unlike the ascent canyon, this one was short and wide. After exiting the canyon and emerging onto the desert flats, we followed a road straight as an arrow back to the trail we came on.
A short distance from the trailhead, the trail crosses a canal and runs past a golf course seen left.
The trail goes over the white ridge ahead
Hiking over the ridge
East Indio Hills ahead
Approaching the Hills
The trail dives into the Hills
We began climbing
Pausing to take in the views
We dropped into a narrow canyon
Dinah stares at two holes in the rock which seem to stare back
Negotiating a narrow section
Squeezing through a tight spot
Continuing along the canyon
The canyon narrows again
The Stairway to Heaven is ahead
Going up the stairs
Looking down at the stairs
The trail drops down
We hiked in a wide canyon
The summit appears ahead
Switchbacks lead to the ridge
Looking back
Heading to the summit
Standing on the top
Continuing down the trail from the summit
Dropping into a canyon
The canyon leads back to the desert flats
A road runs back the trail we came up on
I was nearly back at the trailhead when this man asked me how the trail was. He came to clear the trail with a McLeod rake. Originally designed to rake fire lines, the tool was created in 1905 by a forest service ranger.