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Commonwealth Ridge
Kananaskis, Alberta
February 11, 2001

I first snowshoed up Commonwealth Ridge the previous year with the Hostel Outdoor Group. We dubbed the unnamed ridge, "Commonwealth Ridge." I returned, again ascending the north ridge with the HOGs. After reaching the shoulder above the treeline, we dropped down the west slope to Commonwealth Lake.

We descended the steep slope fast, but at times, sliding uncontrolled. There were no injuries, but some people tore their pants. I don't advise this slope for a descent route!

Getting ready to go. Commonwealth Ridge and Commonwealth Peak on the left.

I started up the ridge while the group took a break

Clowning around, we made mustaches using lichen from trees

The Fist

Stopping for photos above the treeline

A natural arch (mouse over to look through the other way)

Out of control on the steep west slopes: ouch!

Kirsten and Carolyn display ripped pants from the steep slide

Commonwealth Lake

Playing on the lake

Heading back

82 J/14 Spray Lakes Reservoir

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