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Charles Stewart Cabin
Kananaskis, Alberta
October 7, 2024

In looking for new objections, I often do reconnaissance trips. These almost never result in a trip report, but in this case it did. While exploring one of the ridges below Mount Charles Stewart, I came across an old cabin. There was a tin can of Folwler's Treacle next to it, and when I Googled it, it dates back to the 1940s!

Remarkably, the cabin showed no signs of recent disturbance. Initials weren't carved in the logs; there was no spray painting and no litter. It appeared utterly untouched by vandals. Yet, the cabin is easily reached in less than an hour and a half. I felt behooved to keep it a secret. Therefore, I have given no information as to its location. I removed the location data from these photos. I may take a few trusted people to it but that's all.

The cabin wasn't very high – one would have to crawl through the door – and the roof was missing

This can dates back to the 1940s

A bench stands next to a fire pit. Grass was growing in the pit so it hadn't been used for some time.

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