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Fairview Mountain
Lake Louise, Alberta
August 27, 2005

I ascended Mount Fairview in 1993, but wanted to return with camera in hand. This trip is much shorter than I remembered or expected. It was about an hour to the saddle and an hour to the top. At the top Dinah and I spent nearly an hour chatting with tourists before returning. The trip is just a hike.

On the lower trail there is a shortcut that we didn't take. To save a bit of time, take a right fork about half an hour from the trailhead. We eschewed the trail on the saddle and headed straight up the lower slopes. This saved time, especially coming down on scree, as well as avoided the crowds.

KML Track

Coming up the trail. Mount Hector in the distance.

Mount Temple behind us

Saddleback trail lies below. We followed the scree from the bottom.

Mount Hector

Mount St. Piran rises above Lake Louise

On the summit

Heading back

82 N/8 Lake Louise

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