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South Limestone Ridge
Kananaskis, Alberta
November 8, 2000

Distance: 11.0 km (6.8 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 590 m
(1936 ft)

Dale, Caroline, Elizabeth and I set off up Zephyr Creek to see the pictographs on Painted Creek. After viewing the 300-year-old paintings, we ascended the southwest slope to reach the summit of South Limestone Ridge. After taking a break on top, we descended the west slope to get back to Zephyr Creek.

Fording the Highwood River

After fording the river, we made our way to Zephyr Creek

One of the pictographs (mouse over for a closer look)

Another one, what's left of it

Another one, a bird?

Dale, Elizabeth, Caroline and I stop for a photo

View north to Holy Cross Mountain

Heading down from the high point

Pausing on the way down

Looking back at the summit

82 J/7 Mount Head

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