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Panorama from the open ridge below the summit

Rock Point Ridge
Kananaskis, Alberta
June 13, 2024

Distance: 9.7 km (6.0 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 458 m (1503 ft)

While perusing the maps in Kananaskis Country Guide Trail, Vol. 2, a couple of years ago, I was curious about a spot called Rock Point. It appears on an open slope partway up a ridge. The guidebook doesn't provide a trail description, but the map shows an off-trail route from Prairie Creek Trail. It looked interesting, especially since there's an option of continuing to a summit. I finally got around to doing it. Wayne Hoshizaki, an avid hiker and scrambler, joined me.

Starting from the west end, we hiked down Prairie Creek Trail. We only had to go 2 km before starting our ascent, but for some reason, my Garmin GPS didn't alert me to the exit point. I didn't realize the error until we zipped 250 m past it. Rather than go back up the trail, we started our ascent then and there.

Without knowing what lay beyond the trees in front of us, we went straight up. It was steep from the get-go, and we soon encountered extensive cliffs. Fortunately, we were able to get through. Indeed, we found the rocky terrain alluring. It was a strenuous hike with options to scramble and explore.

Eventually, the grade eased and we entered the forest. We were now on the southeast ridge. After a time, we came to a clearing that extended into a long corridor through the trees. After the corridor ended, we continued a kilometre up the treed ridge to the summit. Halfway, however, we appreciated finding a break in the trees, a black outcrop with a view of Nihahi Ridge and Compression Ridge.

The exact summit was difficult to determine as it was a nondescript flat spot in the forest. But nearby, we found a small pile of rocks, a natural cairn. We only added a few stones.

Trees limited views on top, but after heading back along the ridge, we found a talus slope on the west side that offered mountain views. We continued down, bypassing the black outcrop. However, we mistakenly missed a turn on the ridge, but after a short traverse, we were soon back on track.

We had no wish to descend the steep slope we had impulsively climbed earlier; we took the easier route in the guidebook. It began in trees, but soon we reached a pleasant open spur. At the bottom, we passed through trees and got back on Prairie Creek Trail. We ambled 1.8 km back to the car.

Few trips are so intriguing that I care to repeat, but I think Rock Point Ridge may be one of them.

KML and GPX Tracks

Starting up Prairie Creek Trail

The trail mostly stays in trees

Starting up the slope from the trail

We'll keep right of the cliffs ahead

The ascent was quite steep

I took a tumble when my feet and poles all slipped in loose scree

We turned left here

We turned right after the cliff ahead

The cliffs ran for quite a way

Looking back

Prairie Mountain

Continuing up the ridge

We entered the trees

We reached a clearing on the ridge. Powderface Ridge on the left, Nihahi Ridge right (mouse over for a close-up)

Continuing up the ridge. Summit is left.

Looking back

Back in the trees

We took in the views on an outcrop 500 m before the summit

Continuing up the ridge

Nearing the summit

Wayne and I stand by a cairn near the summit

We took a break in a clearing 125 m south of the summit

Going down the descent route

Looking back

We followed an open spur down

Looking back up the spur

We dropped down through the trees before reaching the trail

Following the trail back

A butterfly feeds on Jacob's Ladder wildflowers

82 J/15 Bragg Creek

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