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Picklejar Lakes
Kananaskis, Alberta
July 11, 1999
The six of us – Pete, Jackie, Rosie, Philip, Lori and me – set off for Junction Falls via Picklejar Lakes, but we soon realized it was too ambitious. We reached the lakes, ascended the col north of the lake and started following a tributary of Junction Creek before before turning around. However, we made it to a delightful tiny pool filling by a waterfall. A few of us jumped in the cold water. Jackie went as far as going under the frigid waterfall!. After relaxing by the pool, drying off under the sun, we headed back.
Taking a break by the lakes
Lori makes her way to the pass
Rosie follows
The second and third Picklejar lakes seen from the pass
Jackie makes a brisk exit after going under the waterfall, while Rosie looks on
Relaxing by the waterfalls
Another view of the same
Heading back to the pass
Passing the waterfalls between the first and second lakes