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Jumpingpound Mountain
Jumpingpound Ridge Trail
Kananaskis, Alberta
June 12, 2010
Distance: 14.5 km (9.0 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 655 m (2149 ft)
Of the three approaches to Jumpingpound Mountain, the north ridge must be both the longest and the most scenic. The extended ridge is mostly free of trees and provides good views in all directions. (The shortest hike is Jumpingpound Summit trail.)
From Dawson Trailhead, Dinah and I took a broad trail that switchbacks up through the trees before reaching the open ridge at the junction of the Cox Hill Trail. We followed the ridge crest trail easily until it entered the trees. Here a section of deep snow hindered our progress before we emerged onto open, dry slopes and continued to the summit.
We weren't surprised to find several people on the summit. They had ascended the shorter Jumpingpound Summit Trail.
We considered using that trail on our return and then following the road, but in the end, we retraced our steps. The short, delightful ridgewalk was worth doing in reverse on such a beautiful day.
We came to a trail junction after emerging from the trees
The ridge ahead
Fisher Range lies west
Pasque flowers
View northwest
Snow-covered slopes ahead
And more snow
Summit is far left
I investigated an outcrop
Coming to the summit
On the way back we followed a rock crest to avoid postholing along the trail
82 J/15 Bragg Creek