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Banded Peak Connector Bench
Bragg Creek Provincial Park, Alberta
October 4, 2022

Distance: 6.6 km (4.1 mi)
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 165 m (541 ft)

It's probably easier to explain what Banded Peak Connector Bench isn't rather than what it is. It's not connected to Banded Peak 35 km away, and the trail runs over a low ridge, not a bench. It connects to Banded Peak School, although the peak can't be seen from the school. But despite the long, nonsensical name, Banded Peak Connector Bench is a pleasant hike, practically a nature walk.

To maximize our effort, Dinah and I hiked the entire trail, out and back, which meant going over the ridge twice. But rising less than 100 m above the trailhead and the school, it's not an impressive feat. We also parked at the farthest parking lot which added nearly 500 m each way.

We followed the trail as it crossed the road and came to Alder Loop, an interpretive trail. We continued past the end of the loop and climbed the small ridge. The trail continues over the ridge, but we took a short path to the summit. Trees limit views, and although we could see Moose Mountain, it was too far away to appreciate. We turned around and continued down the trail, down to Banded Peak School.

The hike to the school adds little interest. There are interpretive signs, and the trail loops around so we got to see trees we hadn't seen before. Also on the way back, we took the other half of Alder Loop, so we could view more trees. But I shouldn't scoff as we enjoyed the short hike. We picked a fall day when the trees were turning yellow when Banded Peak Connector Bench probably looked its best.

KML and GPX Tracks

The trailhead

Dinah stops to read an interpretive sign

After reaching the end of Alder Loop, we continued ahead

Some big trees have been blown down

Fallen trees obstructed the trail

Dinah crawls through downed trees

We passed a huge burl

The trail begins a gentle climb up the ridge

Dinah stands by the summit bench

Moose Mountain lies far in the distance

We continued down the trail toward Banded Peak School

The trail exits Bragg Creek Provincial Park with some warnings (mouse over)

Interpretive signs appear along the trail

The trail passes a fen by the school

After the trail begins looping back, it passes a pond. Perhaps it looks better in the spring when its full!

We followed the other half of Alder Loop back

82 J/15 Bragg Creek

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